World Fantasy Award Submissions.

The World Fantasy Awards are presented at the World Fantasy Convention. In 2025 this will be after the lunch time banquet on Sunday 2nd November.

The current World Fantasy Award statue was produced by award-winning sculptor and artist Vincent Villafranca ( and first awarded at the 2017 WFC in San Antonio, Texas.

The Process

A ballot is sent to attendees of the current and previous two conventions to determine two of the finalists, with the two most-nominated selected. A panel of five judges adds three or more nominees before they vote on the overall winner.

How to Submitt

If you wish for your work to be considered by the Judges you can send it to all 5 of them and also to the Awards Administrator.

The judges read and consider eligible materials until June 1, 2025, the earlier the
better. If, for instance, something is received on May 31 the judges may well have only one day to read it before their deliberations conclude. Anything received after June 1 will receive little or no consideration.

Send materials you wish to be considered by the panel directly to the addresses below, and very importantly, please mark all packages as PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS โ€“ NOT FOR SALE OR RESALE โ€“ NO COMMERCIAL VALUE โ€“ WORLD FANTASY AWARDS MATERIALS. Also, please make sure to send a hard copy of all materials to the Awards Administrator (address below) so a comprehensive submission list may be kept. This is to ensure the judges have received eligible items, and you can be sure that your work has been given fair attention.

Qualifications: All books must have been originally published in English in 2024; magazines must have a 2024 cover date; short length stories must have been originally published in English in 2024; only living persons are eligible.

Fantasy Types: All forms of fantasy are eligible, e.g. high, epic, dark, contemporary, YA, literary, horror, etc.

Categories: Life Achievement; Best Novel; Best Novella (10,001 to 40,000 words); Best Short Story; Best Anthology; Best Collection; Best Artist; Special Awardโ€”Professional; Special Awardโ€”NonProfessional.
When submitting works shorter than novel length, please provide a word count for the judgesโ€™ benefit.
Any work made with any generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) will not be deemed human-created and is thus not eligible for consideration.

Please note that the nominees in the Life Achievement category will not be released, though the winners will be announced well before the awards banquet.

2025 World Fantasy Awards Judges

James Brogden, Apartment 66, New Hampton Lofts; 90 Great Hampton St; Birmingham B18 6EU, United Kingdom; Prefers HC, PDF, EPUB (no dropboxes or gdrives)

Jessica Day George, PO Box 95308; South Jordan, UT 84095; USA; Prefers HC, then MOBI, then PDF

Lee Murray, 14 Orakei Place; Welcome Bay; Tauranga 3112; NEW ZEALAND; Prefers EPUB, then HC

Jonathan Oliver, 1A Frilsham Street; Sutton Courtenay; OX14 4AZ, United Kingdom Prefers HC, MOBI, PDF

Molly Tanzer, 201 Coffman Street; P.O. Box #503; Longmont, CO 80502; USA; Prefers (GREATLY) EPUB, MOBI, then HC

(Judgesโ€™ order of preference as listed above: HC=Hard Copy; MOBI=Mobipocket ebook format; EPUB=Electronic Publication; PDF=Portable Document Format)

World Fantasy Awards Administrator: Peter Dennis Pautz, 3519 Glen Avenue; Palmer Township, PA 18045-5812; USA,





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