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UK Events 2024
There are lots of Writing and genre related events in the UK and we plan to be at some of then to promote World Fantasy Convention 2025. We hope to see some of you at them, do come and say Hi!
There is a list of dates and links at the bottom of the post, but we wanted to say something about the events and our team’s involvement as well.
British Fantasy Society events and Fantasycon
The British Fantasy Society (BFS) is one of the partners of our event and has their annual convention Fantasycon, which will be combined with WFC in 2025. They run a series of online events during the year, both workshops from individuals in the industry and all day sessions with a mix of panels and interviews. They run regional meet ups and often have member meet ups during other conventions. We are delighted that our Vice Chair Allen Stroud is running an workshop Fantasy Worlds and the Readerโs Imagination. We will be at Fantasycon 2024 in Chester later this year and will be promoting our event.
They have an events calendar of their website:
World Fantasy Convention 2024
WFC this year is in Niagara Falls New York. Karen, our Chair, will have a table at the event to assist membership sign up and talk to people about our event.
Eastercon: Levitation 2024
Eastercon is the national science fiction convention in the UK. This year it is taking place in Telford International Convention Centre rather than in a more traditional hotel. Members of our team are involved in organising Eastercon this year. Farah Mendlesohn, who deals with social media and tourism for WFC 2025, is the Chair of Levitation. Karen, our Chair, is also on the committee for Levitation. We will have a table in the Dealers room, shared with the BFS, to promote our event and answer questions. Allen, as Chair of the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA), is involved in a number of activities, including an author event on the Thursday and the British Science Fiction Awards presentation.
Worldcon 2024: Glasgow
Farah, Allen and Russell Smith, from our programme team, are all involved in Worldcon this year and we will have a Fan Table, with the BFS, to promote our event. We are really looking forward to having this event in the UK and meeting with international as well as local attendees.
Novacon 2024
Novacon is a science fiction convention that takes place every year. This year Allen is their Guest of Honour, which is lovely. Karen, our Chair, is also attending and we may have a table to promote our event, along with the BFS and the BSFA.
Huntingdon Library, Fantasy Mini Convention
Anna Smith Spark, a member of our Programming Team, is giving a reading at this event and some of us will be attending also.
One Day Events
There are a variety of one day events taking place which we are likely to attend and may have a table or other promotion activities. Do check our social media to keep up to date with where you can find us!
Events List
10th February, Fantasy Mini Convention,
18th February, BFS Workshop with Allen Stroud,
16th March, Gollaczfest,
29th Mar – 1st April, Eastercon: Levitation,
31st May – 2nd June, Cymera,
9th – 12th August, Worldcon Glasgow,
28th September, Innesmouth Festival,
11th – 13th October, Fantasycon,
TBC, October, Bristolcon,
17th – 20th October, World Fantasy Convention,
8th – 10th November, Novacon,
TBC, December, Dragonmeet,
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