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Accessibility Policy
There have been accessibility concerns raised about this venue . The following information may help put these in context. We will be updating this list as we receive new questions and information.
- The hotel has recently done some renovations in the front/lobby area, which does help address the concerns.
- The bedrooms have been renovated since the 2013 WFC.
- We are only using hotel function rooms which are accessible to people in wheelchairs. The main function rooms we are using are on the lower ground floor and the upper ground floor. We do have options to use rooms on Floor M as well. We are not using the mezzanine room on the staircase.
- Details of the entrances to the hotel are on our Accessibility Audit.
- We received a query suggesting that the transitions between bedrooms and the ensuite bathrooms was “bumpy”. This was not something we observed in our recent site visits, but we will review this at our next site visit.
- Details of parking options for disabled attendees with a Blue Badge have been obtained and added to our Accessibility Audit. This includes options for high-sided vehicles.
We are still working on the following matters, and will update as further information becomes available.
- Parking for high-sided vehicles (without a Blue Badge) particularly affects dealers and event organisers. There is space to drop off people/unload goods at the venue, but the car park is height-limited. We are looking at other parking options, including the logistics of getting drivers to and from sites that are further away from the hotel. We have made some progress on this and have updated our Accessibility Audit. We will add to this as we get new information.
- We are talking to adjacent hotels to identify options for people with different budgets and access needs. Some options are already outlined on our Travel and Accommodation page.
For further hotel accessibility features please see the hotel website, and our own Accessibility Audit.
If you have specific concerns or have a question about the venue, do contact Karen
Please do read below the things that we plan to put in place and what we might need from all our attendees to help each other.
In Person Panel/Talks/Programme Rooms
- There will be at least one wheelchair/scooter space marked in each programme room, and space for a mobility scooter to manoeuvre.
- There will be seating in any area where there is likely to be queueing, and a volunteer to ensure that those who need to sit are still able to access the activity/panel.
- Priority seating will be reserved for those who need to sit or who need to be in a specific area, e.g., close to the front for sight or hearing, and close to the back for anxiety or other needs.
- Where staging or platforms are used to improve visibility of participants in programme items, there will also be a step-free method of access.
- Microphones will be used for speeches, readings and panels.
- We cannot promise that we will have these in place, but we would like to know, in advance, if you would find a hearing assistance system (Induction loop or Infrared) or BSL interpretation of benefit via This will allow us to assess the needs for these and make a decision.
- Where the room layout is banquet style (round tables) an accessible walkway will be marked on the floor.
- We aim to have mobility scooters available. This will need to be prebooked via the registration form or by emailing We may ask you to contribute to the costs of this.
- If you have your own scooter please do refer to the Accessibility Audit to check if it will fit in the lift. If not do contact us.
Lifts (Elevators)
The lift dimensions and details are given in our Accessibility Audit. As they are not huge there may be some demand/queuing. Where possible we would ask that attendees do the following:
- Where possible, particularly at busy times, try to use the front Lobby lifts to travel to bedrooms and upper floors rather than the ones by the side entrance. This will reduce the wait time at the other lifts that go to the function rooms.
- If you can use the stairs, without increase in pain or fatigue, then please do so.
- We would remind all attendees that not all disabilities are visible, please do not ask someone why they are using the lift or suggest that they should not.
- Be aware that some attendees may not be able to stand and queue/wait for a lift, we are working with the venue to try and arrange seating close to the lifts, but please be aware that people seated nearby may have arrived ahead of you and be waiting for the lift. Please do check before entering the lift.
If there is a sensible reason to use the lift, please do so. An example of this might be using the side lift as it reduces your walk to your bedroom and to do otherwise would increase pain/fatigue/other problems or you have lots of luggage. Also, if you are accompanying someone who needs to use the lift, going with them may reduce social exclusion and anxiety.
- We have written an access audit to provide specific access information about the venue. Please do read this to get a better idea of venue and nearby facilities.
- Maps and signage will be provided at the venue to aid navigation. Signage will be clearly legible, considering font size/type and background colour contrasts.
Publications’ Format
- We aim to ensure that publications, particularly program information is available online in a variety of formats.
- Large print paper publications may be available, particularly for program information. Please let us know if you would like this by emailing However, do note that the Souvenir Convention Book will only be available in one printed format.
In Person Social Spaces
- There will be seats in all social spaces and space for mobility scooters and wheelchairs to manoeuvre.
Quieter Room
- There will be a Quieter Room at the venue to allow people to take a break from the convention, to quietly reenergise with minimal distractions.s.
- We ask all of our attendees to apply scented products – perfume, after-shave, etc – only in their own hotel rooms or outside, not while in the public convention spaces, including in the toilets.
Gender Neutral Toilets
- We will aim to have at least one toilet that is designated gender neutral (in addition to the accessible toilets), but it is dependent on the venue to allow this.
- We will not police who uses which bathroom, and ask that attendees do not do so either. We expect people to use the bathroom that makes them comfortable. All attendees should respect each other’s need for privacy. Young children and those who need assistance will obviously need to be in the same facility as the person assisting them.
Invisible Conditions
- We recognise that not all conditions are visible and trust our attendees to make their needs known without having to disclose medical information or “proof”. We do not use a visible badge or sticker to indicate access needs. If attendees wish to use a Sunflower Lanyard for this purpose, our volunteers will know to look out for that.
Allergies & Food
- Please alert us to your food allergies so we can provide appropriate food at receptions and the banquet. Ingredient lists will be provided for food served at receptions, so that you can choose items that meet your needs. We will ensure the hotel and party/launch organisers are informed of the overall number and needs (e.g. 6 vegetarians and 4 gluten-free). Your name and specific dietary requirements will be supplied to the hotel for banquet attendees. If your allergy, food intolerance or dietary needs relate to your hotel bedroom or breakfast rather than the function rooms, please contact the hotel directly. Please let us know on the registration form or by emailing
- There will be a bar and food available for purchase throughout the event in the function rooms (in addition to the hotel bar).
- There will be a restaurant guide to help you find places to eat.
Communication & Social
- We aim to provide pronoun stickers or badges, but to make them optional.
- We will be investigating the need for interpreters in British Sign Language, depending on the demand and available budget. If this would be helpful for you, then please do alert us via the registration form or by emailing
- There will be a social activity on Thursday night (everyone welcome) to ensure those who are feeling nervous or want to ask questions have an informal opportunity to do so, to facilitate meeting new people and to welcome everyone.
- We remind those planning parties and/or launches that whenever alcohol is available, there should always be a soft drink option as well.
Online Access
- We are investigating the options of captions/subtitles on live and recorded online content. Please contact us if you would benefit from this.
- We aim to use software that is likely to be familiar to many attendees. Also, to give people an opportunity to use software that they might be unfamiliar with prior to the event.
- We will be providing written instructions and, we hope, a video demonstration of how to access virtual programming.
- We will have more than one way of accessing tech support, in case attendees are not able to access any particular platform.
- We will be recording selected online content, where appropriate, for later viewing. We will ensure that attendees know which rooms/programme items are to be recorded.
- Our Code of Conduct will apply to online spaces and direct messaging as well as throughout the physical convention.
- We have a bursary/scholarship for people who would otherwise struggle with the financial cost of attending. We are specifically inviting applications from underrepresented groups. We welcome donations from attendees and supporters for the bursary fund, which can be made via our shop.
In Brighton
- Some of the accessible toilets in Brighton town operate under the Radar key scheme. If you are a disabled person living in the UK you can purchase these very cheaply online. If you are unable to get one of these prior to the event, do let us know as we can supply these for purchase or loan.
- Our covid policy will be available closer to the time.
- If you are likely to need assistance accessing the venue (e.g. opening the gate between the car park and Queensbury Mews) we can give you a phone number to call and a Redcloak Volunteer will come and assist.
- If you need anything else that we have no mentioned here please do contact us and let us know.
- Please email with any questions that you may have.