
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions to assist you. We will add to this page as things come to our attention.


Whats the difference between Ticket, Memberships and Subscriptions?

Traditionally World Fantasy Convention has members. This is because it reflects that it is an event for a community and that community members are an active part of the event. It also comes with rights to vote in the awards. Some membership options also include access to the online items until a month after the event. This means that it is more than just a ticket to attend the event.

Our website uses the term “Subscription” as the website infrastructure does not understand membership. But, in this case, do think of these as interchangeable.

Can I buy a Membership for Someone Else?

Yes, but you will need to create these one at a time. After creating the first, log out and create the second. If your browser is automatically logging you back in you may need to clear your cashe/browser history, use a different device/browser or use an icognito window.

If you want to pay for someone else, just put in their name and contact details and your payment details. It won’t matter that if is a different name on the card.

What does Membership Include and Can I get a Discount?

Membership includes all the programme activities over the 4 days apart from the Banquet.

See details of specific memberships, discounts and bursary on the About the Convention page.

How do I Know if my Payment went through Correctly?

Firstly you should receive a confirmation email. Secondly, use your chosen user name and password to login to this website. In the Member Center, on the Subscriptions tab you will see your membership type (Attending, Online, etc.) listed as a Subscription and the Status should be listed as active. If it is listed as inactive or you can’t login then it is likely that it has not gone through, but do drop us an email, enquiries@WorldFantasy2025.co.uk if you are not sure.

Can I buy Day Tickets?

Day Attendance can be booked from about a month before the event. It will be cheaper to by a 4 day membership than to buy individual day attendances. These will not include online access or nomination or voting rights for the Awards.

Do I need a membership if I am on a Programme item?

Yes, all attendees, panelists, people in launches or parties, dealers, artists etc. will need to purchase a membership or day attendance to attend any part of the event including the social areas.

Brighton and Beyond

How do I find somewhere to stay?

Please see our Places to Stay page.

How do I get to the convention?

Please see our travel page.

What else can I do in Brighton?

Please see our Tourism Page.

What else can I do in the UK?

Please see our Tourism Page

Where can I get food and drink?

We will have a bar and food stands in the main function rooms, please do make the most of these. We have asked the hotel to provide a selction of hot and cold food including vegan and gluten free.

There are a large variety of resturants in the local areas, we will be producing a restaurant guide closer to the time.

Website listing and Profile

How do I Add my Name to the List of Attending Members on the Website?

After you have bought your membership, please go to the Member Centre option and click on Edit Profile. Here you can fill in the name you would like displayed on the website. If you do not want your name on the website, please tick the Hide me from Member listing option. If your badge name reads as “Please Update” then it will not be displayed on the website, so please do ensure this is updated.

How do I fill out my Bio Details and add a Photo?

In the Member Centre, under Edit profile, you can fill out your profile details, add a bio, website and photo. You can also let us know about accessibility and dietary needs which we can use to plan the event and refreshments.

Programme Participation

How do I apply to be on Programme Items?

In the Member Centre, under Edit profile, you can change your status from Member to Participant in the Participation section. Once updated, this will give you the option to fill our a participation form letting us know what type of activity you would be up for. There will be a deadline for filling this out, but the sooner you do this, the sooner we can start planning the content of the event.

How do I get a space at the Mass Autographing Session?

In the Member Centre, under Edit profile, you can tick the box to take part in this activity.

More detail on this can also be found here.

How do I get a table in the dealer room?

Sorry Applications for this are now closed.

There will be a list of attending dealers on the website in due course.

Where can I sell my books?

You can put books on the Fantasycon table, details of this are in our shop.

You can also sell these at the Mass Autographing session if you sign up for a space. (you will not have access to a plug socket for this event)

How do I get my art in the art show?

Details are here.

There will be a list of exhibiting artists in due course.

Programme Activities

When does the event start and finish?

The event starts on Thursday 30th October 2025 and ends on Sunday at 6pm.

We many have some pre-event worshops on Thursday morning. The bar, registration, and dealer room all open at 12noon.

What activities can I expect?

There will be a wide selection of panels, talks, presentations, launches, Guest of Honour interviews, meet the author/artist sessions (sign up required) author readings and workshops taking place over the four-day convention. The Dealers’ Room will offer new, second-hand and antiquarian books and magazines as well as other fantasy and writing related items, while the Art Show will have art and prints for sale as well as to view.

There will be a private bar for convention attendees, offering food and drink, as well as providing a comfortable area for meeting and socialising. There will be receptions and social events as well, including the Mass Autograph session and the Art Reception. There will be complimentary refreshments served at these events. The full programme will be available about a month before the event.

What day are the bigger programme events taking place / what days should I attend?

We obviously think you should attend all four days for the best experience, but these are the planned items which you might not want to miss:

  • Thursday Morning – possible pre-event workshops.
  • Thursday Lunch time – Registration and Dealers room open. Sign up for “Meet the author/artist” events available.
  • Thursday afternoon – Bar opens, New attendees Q&A session.
  • Thursday early evening – Welcome Reception, meet the Guests of Honour, followed by social with refreshments.
  • Friday Evening – Mass Autograph Reception and find a new book event, with refreshments.
  • Saturday Afternoon – Art Show Reception with refreshments
  • Saturday Evening – British Fantasy Awards
  • Late Saturday Evening – Karaoke sponsored by Rebellion.
  • Sunday Lunch time – Banquet (separate ticket required)
  • Sunday Afternoon – World Fantasy Awards and closing ceremony.

When is the Dealer Room open?

We intend the dealer room to be open from lunch time or mid afternoon on the Thursday til 6pm, Friday 10am to 6pm (with optional opening during the Mass Autograph session in the evening), Saturday 10am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 1pm.

When is the Art-Show Open?

We hope to open the Art Show to attendees on Thursday lunch time until 6pm, but if set up is later than planned this may be pushed back.
The Art Show will be open 10am to 6pm on Friday and Saturday, including the Art Show Reception on Saturday afternoon/early evening.

When will the full programme be available?

The full schedule will be published on our website about a month before the event itself.

How do I know who is attending / is my favourite author/artist attending?

There is a list of attendees on the website, but this only has the people who have opted in via the setting on our website, when the full programme comes out there will be more information about who is involved in what item. If they do not appear in either of these places the organisers will not be able to advise if they are attending or not, for privacy reasons. Many attendees also post on their social media to say if/when they are attending.

There will be a list of attening dealers and exhibiting artists in due course.